Yoga Teacher Training
There are 1000’s of In-Person and On-Line certification programs out there. Here is what makes teacher training at Midland Yoga Works the BEST!
• Yoga Alliance Registered Teacher Training School (RTTS)
• A transformational immersion into the ancient philosophical and meditative traditions of Yoga, while maintaining a firm ground in modern anatomical training, sequencing, somatic and structural approaches to practice
• An exceptional and powerfully devoted teaching staff (all E500 RYT) that share from their own loving passion bringing a wealth of knowledge from their own journeys and practices
• Weekend Workshops (Mini-Retreats) with guest teachers from Dallas and Santa Fe
• One-on-one in-depth mentoring meetings between teacher and students to address questions along your journey
• An in-studio personal training
• A supportive, inspiring and encouraging environment that will leave you with a loving and connected yoga community
• The opportunity to truly explore your practice and learn to teach in a way that is unique to you
• Tools and skills to teach with confidence and ease in an inspiring way
• Focus time on you, your yoga practice and cultivating your inner awareness
Our friendly team is ready to get you enrolled in our next 200 Hr Yoga Teacher Training!
Program tuition includes all coursework, class materials, a comprehensive training manual, practicum studio time and unlimited attendance to weekly classes taught by core faculty. A complete list of required textbooks will be given at the time of registration. The students will be responsible to purchase these textbooks on their own.
Paid in full: $3200
Eight month payment plan*: $425
Early Bird Discount of $400 is available when registering before September 1.
All Course work, Class Materials, YogAnatomy Course, Comprehensive Training Manual, Monthly Practicum Studio Time, and Unlimited Attendance to Weekly Classes Taught by Core Faculty
Certification and Requirements
In order to complete the 200 Hr Teacher Training requirements students must complete the following:
● Attend all 8 weekend training sessions
● Attend a total of 40 yoga classes at MYW taught by core faculty
● Observe 3 classes
● Complete all homework assignments
● Teach a minimum of 4 30 minute community classes
● Teach a final 1 hour practicum class
Upon successful completion of the 8 modules and all the requirements, teacher trainees will receive a letter of certification from MYW and qualify to register with Yoga Alliance at the 200 hr level.
Teacher Training Overview
Midland Yoga Works Teacher Training is a 200 hour course that offers a unique opportunity for students to learn the fundamentals of teaching yoga. It provides dedicated yoga students an intensive 8 months of study and practice of yoga asanas, pranayama, anatomy and yogic philosophy.
The program is designed for students who aim to explore the full spectrum of Yoga, as well as for those who feel a call to become, or explore becoming, a Yoga teacher.
Participants can expect to come away with more acutely honed ability to see and understand the body and its movement patterns as well as a greater precision in language, and confidence in verbalizing what you see.
Our thorough and inspiring training is lead by guest presenters and teachers from Dallas and Santa Fe, and assisted and other teachers and staff at Midland Yoga Works. Our training is a safe, alignment based study of asanas that encourage process-based learning.
This Midland Yoga Works is a deep immersion into asana exploration and training and includes unlimited studio yoga classes with core faculty.
Midland Yoga Works Teacher Training meets and exceeds the 200-hour requirements put forth by Yoga Alliance the national standard in Yoga education.
In accordance with Yoga Alliance standards of education for the two hundred hour level of training, the following areas of study are covered in depth throughout the program. There will be all variety of learning environments from lectures and discussions, to hands on anatomy instruction, to practice teaching labs and consistent group Yoga practices.
In order to receive your graduation certificate you will have to meet the following criteria:
· Attendance and full participation in all required courses from October through May
· Completion of all homework assignments, writing projects and required reading
· Demonstrate an embodied and integrated knowledge from the coursework
· Pass a cumulative written exam and practical teaching exam
· Attend a minimum of 40 yoga classes taught by core faculty at Midland Yoga Works
The primary learning objectives of the in depth asana study will include:
· Alignment: Demonstrating the technical understanding of the correct alignment of each asana, usage of props, and appropriate modifications.
· Actions: Demonstrate an understanding of the correct actions of the asana for optimal benefit.
· Awareness: Tending to one's inner awareness while practicing the specific techniques.
Each student will have a foundation of understanding basic breathing patterns in themselves and others. Additionally, one will be able to properly practice, demonstrate and instruct the techniques of ujjayi, nadi shodhana, viloma and bhramari.
Each student will be able to instruct basic seated guided meditation and supine savasana techniques. These are important techniques for opening and closing Yoga practices and classes, as well as enriching one's own practice.
Our experiential anatomy classes are a major component of the 200 Hr training. We feel it is vital for a Yoga teacher to have a solid foundation in human anatomy and physiology as it is related to the actions and alignment of asana, for safe practice and teaching.
The primary focus of the philosophy component of this program is Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. Each student will read to understand the Eight Limbs of Yoga as outlined by Patanjali and apply studies of the Yamas (ethical precepts) and Niyamas (personal attributes) to their own life. Further texts that will be included are the Tree of Yoga, Yoga, Light on Yoga, Light on the Yoga Sutras. Additional lectures on the origins, history and lineages of Yoga will be included. The ethics of practicing and teaching Yoga will be woven throughout the program, as well as specific courses and personal assignments to enrich one's own capacity for self-reflection and personal transformation will be included.
The primary focus of our program is in teaching methodology. You will have multiple opportunities to practice teaching various asanas. When you complete our program we wish for you to feel confident with your accumulated skills and applied knowledge to enter the field of teaching Yoga.
We aim to provide concise, logical and practical methods of teaching for a variety of populations and diverse student bodies.
The Yoga Methods Included:
· Communication Skills & The Language of Yoga
· Group Dynamics & The Student's Process of Learning
· Time Management, Priorities and Appropriate Sequencing
·Boundaries and Individual Needs
· Demonstration, Observation, Assisting, and Adjustments (at approptiate level)
· Exploring Teaching Styles & The Qualities Of Teacher
· The Business Aspects of Teaching Yoga
Practicum hours will include:
· Practice teaching with support and feedback from fellow participants and instructors
· The Public class observation with follow-up writing assignments